Presentation Boxes and Coin Holders

Here you will find all the specialty coin cases, boxes and holders that we offer and nearly all may be personalized for your needs!
We have single, double and even triple coin cases for your coins!
You can get these for a coin you already have or if you are having a hard time adding a case or box from the coin product pages.
These boxes and cases will accommodate the following coins;
American Silver Eagles
Morgan, Peace and Eisenhower Silver Dollars
All Modern Commemorative Silver Dollars
Please ensure you indicate which coin you plan to use so I may include the correct protective coin capsule to fit your coin to the case.
Coin Sold Separately
Engraved Case Upgrade Out of stock
Basic Presentation Box upgrade $ 5.99
Basic Presentation Box upgrade with Personalization from $ 9.99
Premium Display Case +Insignia, Rank and Name $ 22.99
Nice Wooden Box for Engraved Case or Certified coins Out of stock
Premium Display Case Out of stock
Nice Windowed Display Boxes from $ 22.30
Floating Coin Frame $ 4.99
Basic Box for Engraved case coins and Certified Coins $ 12.99
Army OCS Basic box $ 9.99
Frames for Coins, Free Shipping! $ 54.20
Wooden Box for 3 first salute coins $ 33.99